Saturday night

Very quiet day.  By the time Judy and I left, the temperature was down to 98.7 and she was tuned like a Swiss watch.

Unfortunately, we also heard that poor Judy Linquist, who is watching Cosmo, is in the hospital.  Vange is going to take Cosmo home tonight.  When it rains, it pours…

Saturday morning

Neurosurgeon called at 7am.  He’s not as concerned about the fever, and more about the plumbing issues.  The drain in her brain (EVD) is draining a lot of blood, probably as all of the blood around and in the brain liquifies and can flow.  He is concerned that she still needs the drain to make sure her intracranial pressure (ICP) doesn’t go up too high.  It may be necessary to put in a more permanent drain, a shunt.  Not that big of a deal.

If she stays stable, the plan is to put in a tracheostomy on Monday.  As long as she has the present tube, they can not lighten her sedation, and we can’t see what she can do motor and cognitive-wise.