
Susan and Judy were in town over the weekend, so we were able to be together with Mom and meet with her caregivers together.

We had many visitors today, including Cosmo, who ended up in bed with Mom, and seemed to thoroughly enjoy his visit.

Judy (K) has written a guest post today:

“Mom has now been ensconced in the Mather for the better part of a week now. She spends the vast majority of her days and nights sleeping peacefully, but occasionally wakes to stare bright-eyed at her many visitors. We all have our stories of the time we are sure she formed an ironic smile or gave a particularly significant squeeze of our fingers or “danced” with us to the music. I like to think that she is leaving each of us with a little gift.

I also like to think that she was gratified to see her three children around her bed this weekend. That, or she was confused by all the identical faces and expressions. In any case, Tom, Judy, and Susan had some good time together to talk, laugh, and hug.

And consult with the specialists. Everyone recognizes the progress she has made. Her stroke was indeed massive, with good parts of her left hemisphere permanently destroyed, and the right hemisphere and even the brain stem damaged to an unknown extent by the initial pressure. That she wakes and responds as much as she does is a testament to her strength and, ironically, her overall health. And, again I think, the love and concern of all around her.

But no one, from the neurosurgeon on down, can lay out hope for marked improvement. In fact our greatest fear is that she would wake up one morning and truly understand how trapped she is now in a damaged brain and a largely non-functioning body. We know, because she told us many times both orally and in her living will, that this is not what she wanted.

We want her now to take control over her own body, her future, and the life that remains to her.

Please feel free to her to visit. We hope it makes her feel good. We know that we enjoy seeing all of you. How lucky we are to have a mother with so many friends and admirers.”

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