The Journey ends

Mom’s journey ended this morning, strong and yet peaceful.

Judy and Susan and I, and all of our families thank you for so many visits, thoughts, prayers, and words over these difficult weeks.

6 thoughts on “The Journey ends

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. There are so so many wonderful memories I have and will always have because of her. These fun, loving, warm memories …, along with her great smile will always be in my heart.
    Love to you all.
    David and family

  2. Thank you for comforting “us” with your blog messages. They spoke from a son’s love. We knew Tasha was always surrounded by those who cared. We are sad for the loss of someone so special. We love you.

    Lois and family

  3. Thank you for the time we had with her, thank you for your excellent blog to allow us to keep up to date. All of you are thought of every day with love. We offer strength during these tough times. Kathy and David

  4. Your mother’s service was lovely. I wish we could have come to sit shiva, but I know you were all surrounded by your parents’ and your many, good friends and family. I put a small “In Memorium” and photo of Tasha in our holiday letter. Here’s the narrative:

    After we wrote this letter and before it was mailed, our longtime friend Tasha died. She had survived for six weeks after a severe stroke that took her mobility and most of her ability to communicate. Eric and Tasha’s mothers were best friends in Germany before WWII.

    Eric knew Tasha when she was a young girl and he was at the Great Lakes Naval Base during WWII. In 1981, we moved to Evanston, and Tasha, Bill and we played bridge every Friday evening, barring other commitments for twenty-seven years. We shared political opinions across the bridge table and had a marvelous time. Bill and Tasha also threw Evanston’s best garden parties. We feel the loss of Tasha greatly and still feel Bill’s loss.

    I’d love to stay in contact to see you all flourish over the coming years.


  5. I am so sorry I had not followed up on the blog recently and missed Tom’s announcement of her passing.She was always such a sunny presence I looked at the photo at the head of this blog and it brought back many memories of her warm welcome whenever we met. She was special and I am glad only that her end game was without awareness and that she leaves behind genes in her children and theirs.

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